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Why Sunflowers?

Updated: Aug 3, 2021

Welcome to this blog. This weekly blog aims to provide encouraging thoughts and quotes to get you through the week. You may be asking, “why choose sunflowers?”

Sunflowers have a significant meaning to me. After the loss of my son, I spent years in a deep depression. I found very little positive in the world. My friend gave me a large picture of a sunflower. I hung it up on my wall, and I would smile when I would pass by it. The flower was pretty to look at, had pretty colors (yellow and green), and helped change my frown to a smile. I began adding sunflowers to my décor. As my mood began to lighten, my dark apartment began to lighten up; I started opening the blinds and turning on the lights. My heart started to feel lighter also; I found myself smiling and interacting with others. That picture gave me hope when I was feeling hopeless.

Please join me weekly for an inspiring, encouraging, positive message.

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