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God's Majesty


I went to Monterey with a friend over New Year's. One night, we visited the Spanish Bay Inn on 17 Mile Drive and saw the most miraculous sunset.


As I have written about in past blogs, I am not a nature person. I am going to share this story again.


This summer, the singles group at church went to the coast for church on the beach. On the way we discussed where you would prefer to visit, the mountains or the beach. I thought about that and said I would prefer to go to the mall! We sat on the beach and enjoyed singing, a lesson, and praising God. After the lesson, we partook in communion. As I sat and prayed, I felt God talking to me – He said look at My ocean. Now, imagine my mountains. The ocean and the mountains are My creation. Why would you worship something made by man? I now try to take more time to enjoy my surroundings and be thankful for what he has provided for me.


On New Year's Day, I had the opportunity to put my nature-loving self to the test. As mentioned above, we went to experience the sunset.


We arrived at the beautiful Spanish Bay Inn, and I must admit, I enjoyed the beauty of the manmade things. It was luxurious, and I loved walking through the lobby area back to the patio and seeing the venue's elegance. (It is a place I would love to stay but will never be able to afford it.) I got to the patio, and many people were already there. I could not find a table, so I sat on a low wall. Mary joined me, and we waited. Soon, the bagpipe started to play and continued to play through the entire sunset. The sun began to descend, and an array of beautiful colors appeared. The sky was on fire. The pictures I took were amazing, and the colors were more vibrant than in the sky.


I believe I saw God's majesty in the sunset and it reminded me to look at God's creation and find the finger of God in nature.


I encourage you to go outside in the next couple of days and relish God's great gift to us.


Have a great week!


This is a picture of the sunset at Spanish Bay Inn

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