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What Do You Dream About, Success or Failure?

Do you dream of success? Are you scared of failure?

“You learn more from failure than from success. Don’t let it stop you. Failure builds character” -Unknown

The definition of success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.

What does success look like for you? A career of your dreams? Attaining fame and fortune? Owning a home, cars, and “toys”? Or is success something simple? Enjoying your family? Living life to its fullest?

No matter how you see success, it does not come easily, and you have to take chances. Unfortunately, some people never find success because they are afraid to try because they fear failure.

I hate to fail. I admit that I could be much more successful if I moved forward into some challenging situations. Who knows what I could have been.

When I was young, I participated in a speech contest in 4H and did not perform as well I would have liked. As a result, I did not move up to the next level; I was so disappointed. I was young, and I didn’t participate in a speech contest for many years because of my perceived failure.

As an adult, I wanted to better myself, and I remembered how much I tried to speak in front of people. I looked back and realized that I went into the contest with no confidence, no skills, and a fear of failure.

Because of that failure at such a young age, I decided to conquer that fear and move forward. I joined Toastmasters (an organization that builds public speaking skills and leadership). I was scared but put that aside to become a speaker successfully. I won many contests and moved up several levels in contests. I now enjoy public speaking.

That is one example of where I have found success. I enjoy the day-to-day achievements and have come to a place where I enjoy life!

Today: Think about your life and identify your success. You may be surprised!

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