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Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. – Proverbs 3:5-6

Is it easy for you to trust, or are you like me and question things? I struggle with either being too trusting or questioning everything.

On September 6th, I am having surgery and am struggling to release the situation to God. I have had several surgeries due to breaking bones. (I am uncoordinated and seem to fall and break bones.) I have broken both of my elbows and had to have surgery on both. My right elbow surgery went well, and it continues to be a little weak but is functioning normally. However, my left elbow was not as successful.

Let me start from the beginning.

I attended a funeral in a nearby town, was walking towards the street, stubbed my toes on a cracked sidewalk, and fell to the ground. I knew something was wrong but thought the pain was normal for a fall. The following day, I woke up in a great deal of pain and called Kaiser. The advice nurse made a same-day appointment with a doctor. The doctor ordered x-rays but didn’t think anything was broken, so she felt I should wait and see if I was still in as much pain in a couple of days. I did get the x-rays done; they showed that I had a fractured right knee and left elbow.

The recovery was uncomfortable and only successful for the knee. An x-ray was taken on what I thought would be my last visit to the orthopedist. The x-ray showed that the bone that was growing disappeared. I had surgery, and a new radius head, a rod, and a pin were installed. Since it seems my bones don’t grow well, they did not grow over the equipment to keep it in place. As a result, the equipment has loosened and causes much pain.

I was offered serval options to address this issue. After discussing the options with the surgeon, we decided the best option was to remove the equipment. Removal of the equipment is the surgery I am having on the 6th.

I know that God has a plan and that he will be with me during the surgery. I am a person that needs to know the plan; I am not spontaneous. I didn’t know what to expect and perseverated about the situation. My nervousness was greatly relieved when I had the opportunity to talk with the surgeon, diabetic case manager, and pre-op nurses. However, I continue to be more nervous than I have been with previous surgeries.

If you have read previous blogs, you know that I have had some significant challenges in life, and God has walked beside me through every one. As a result, I have learned to trust most of the time, but I struggle to trust in everything.

I believe God is teaching me to trust and lean on him in this situation. This morning, I spent a significant time in prayer and have laid this situation at God’s feet. Although I have allowed myself to stray off the path and begin thinking about all that could go wrong, that quiet nudging of the Lord reminds me that He is present. He is guiding my path. I acknowledge guidance along the path and that I couldn’t go through surgery without His presence.

Below are some suggestions on how to deal with trust issues.

How to Overcome Trust Issues

1. Build Trust Slowly. It is important to trust people enough to allow them into your life and—in some cases—to forgive them for mistakes.

2. Talk About Your Trust Issues.

3. Distinguish Between Trust and Control.

4. Make Trust a Priority.

5. Be Trustworthy.

6. Consider Therapy.

I encourage you to work on trusting that God has your back and has a fabulous path for you to follow!

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